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Website Introduction

Written and Researched by Emma Rapallini

Hello and welcome to my global scholar capstone project website!

This is a semester long research project associated with the Edina Rotary Scholar Organization.

This post will provide an introduction to what I have researched over the past semester and a orienting map of the website itself for the reader's benefit and instruction.

Principally, I investigated the importance of pediatric immunization coverage in Minnesota versus in tropical and more rural populations of Guatemala. I began my research analyzing the types and schedules of immunizations for children in Minnesota. In reference to the Minnesotan Health Department and CDC databases, I was able to compile data, graphs, and overall information about past immunization coverage for the state of Minnesota. I also found the types of communicable diseases, the strengths, and the weaknesses within the healthcare department and legislation for promotion of vaccines. In terms of information about Guatemalan vaccines I relied heavily on research and data collected by PAHO and UNICEF to learn the types of immunization their health departments recommended. In continuation I analyzed similar vaccination coverage data, and hindrances within the Guatemalan health system to find lacking points and explained lower rates and/or higher death occurrences because of these issues. Finally, I compared the deficiencies of both Minnesota and Guatemala to put into perspective how pediatric immunization can be targeted and improved.


To navigate around the website and learn more about pediatric immunization you must start here:

1 - The Introduction (See Above)

2 - My Research page where in depth analysis of both Minnesotan and Guatemalan vaccinations and more are documented.

3 - Q & A page where I meet with the experts. I interviewed both a pediatrician from a local practice, Southdale Pediatrics, and a pediatrician from Guatemala. Each of their knowledgable perspectives added a personal layer to the importance of immunization.

4 - Action - after having been educated about the immense benefits but lack of action we have made to increase pediatric immunizations, this page will leave donation links and more education in order for you to act.

5 - Works Cited to give credit to each website, graph, and article I read or utilized in the making of this site.

6 - Question and Feedback Inputs are provided in the side bar and footer of the site so please feel free to leave a comment afterwards!


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